Parents, faculty and staff dubbed this year's banquet as "the best ever."
Students, parents, faculty and staff enjoy a social hour, complete with a silent art auction. Auction donations were created by faculty and students.
Assistant Director Brian Brown acted as M.C. to a crowd of more than 300.
Brehm Food Services please all with a wide
array of food, desserts and beverages.
array of food, desserts and beverages.
First year student, Elizabeth, performs a song
and excerpt from a favorite musical.
Brehm's very own Irish step-dancer, Austen,
is too fast for the naked eye.
Top notch performances all around for this year's Talent Show.
Brehm student Sarah received acclamations from the audience
for being the first student to ever to M.C. the Talent
Show portion of the evening.
Show portion of the evening.
What a wonderful weekend! As a first-time Brehm parent, I so enjoyed the camarderie and suport shown between students and students and between students and staff. The sessions were informative for parents, the paintball exhibit demonstrated the students'tremendous concentration and strategic skills and talent show was really fun. As parents, the more we see our kids take on and master, the happier we are. I'm looking forward to the fall weekend! Andrea Pauls Backman